Isaac Daniel Raya was born in Walnut Creek, Ca. In 1997, he left his
Sebastopol home in order to attend the University of California at Davis.
His major at Davis is Political Science and his minor is Spanish. After
graduation, Isaac plans to obtain a teaching credential and teach high
school students.
California Politics and Government Quick-Links
- The Yahoo! California Government Index Page
- The Yahoo! California Newspapers Index Page
- The California Voter Foundation
- The CVF Internet Guide to California's Legislature
- The CVF Spring 1996 California Online Voter Guide
- The CVF Fall 1996 California Online Voter Guide
- The CVF 1995 San Francisco Online Voter Guide
- The CVF Digital Sunlight Project
- California Government and Public Policy (Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley)
- Links to California Information (California Institute for Federal Policy Research)
Contact: idraya@ucdavis.edu
Last Revised: October 13th, 1997