Individual Home Page
John Michael Thompson
University of California, Davis, Fall 1997
John Michael Thompson was born in Santa Rosa, California where he resided for the first 19 years of his life. In 1996 he moved to Davis to attend the University of California, Davis, at which he is a senior. His major is Political Science - Public Service, and minors are Rhetoric and Communication and Music. Upon graduation in June, 1998, he plans to tour Europe and then return to California to attend law school.
California Politics and Government Quick-Links
- The Yahoo! California Government Index Page
- The Yahoo! California Newspapers Index Page
- The California Voter Foundation
- The CVF Internet Guide to California's Legislature
- The CVF Spring 1996 California Online Voter Guide
- The CVF Fall 1996 California Online Voter Guide
- The CVF 1995 San Francisco Online Voter Guide
- The CVF Digital Sunlight Project
- California Government and Public Policy (Institute of Governmental
Studies, University of California, Berkeley)
- Links to California Information (California Institute for Federal Policy Research)
Contact: jthompso@ucdavis.edu
Last Revised: September 29th, 1997