Hi. I am John, KE6RMC from Santa Rosa, CA. I have been liscensed about four years and enjoy the hobby. If you are in the area give me a call on the
local club
repeater on 146.73 - 88.5 . I also monitor 145.35 - 88.5 so try that if
I cannot be found on the other one.
After my Yaesu ft-2100 was stolen while I was in Reno, I replaced it with a very nice Yaesu ft-8100. I highly recommend this radio as a great, versatile radio. To protect it from future theft I have designed a security device. Check my Security Device page for more details.
A great place to look up call signs in a hurry and check on recent issued
callsigns is the FCC Database.
If you are ever in town and want to try some good repeaters try these.
My Ham station includes a 5/8 wave ground plane anntenna, a Yaesu Ft-530 and
several other non-ham radios. The picture to the left is of my 20, 40, 80M NCX3 transceiver (click on the picture for a larger image). I have made a couple anntennas such as a
ladder line j-pole and a 440 1/4 wave ground plane. If you are interested
in putting these together, write
me for details.
Good Santa Rosa Repeaters