This site has plenty of information, provided with the personal touch of the creator of the site. Since each page builds on the prior one, it is best to go through this site in the order it is written. It begins with a personal introduction and then jumps into estate planning basics. When discussion probate, the author includes a detailed flow chart of the process that gives a visual representation of how long and drawn out the process could become. Against that background, the author launches into the benefits of living trusts (such as avoidance of probate costs, avoidance of delay in transferring your property to your beneficiaries, as well as providing for management of your assets). The author does have one page devoted to the drawbacks of living trusts, which is more than most sites. The explanation of what a living trust is, and the costs associated with it is well done. Throughout the site are flow charts which give graphical illustrations of techniques. This sites gives an unusually detailed description of an incapacity plan (durable powers of attorney) and health care surrogate designation. The site ends with a list of things the "perfect estate plan" should do, which serves as a nice summary to a well written estate planning resource. Other usfeul sections of the site include a "frequently asked questions" page, wills of famous people, and an advanced estate planning guide (an area of law directed at maximizing the financial and tax savings available to clients who have large estates). Topics in the advanced estate planning guide include charitable remainder trusts, planned gifting, insurance trusts, and family limited partnerships. The author presents the idea of using some of the income generated by the CRT to purchase a life insurance policy on the client's life which will providde the client's heirs with approximately the same amount that is in the trust. The advanced estate planning topics greatly enhance the value of this site by providing more in depth information.
By combining advanced topics with the basic estate planning techniques, the author of this site has created a very valuable resource to all levels of estate planners. For those neededing even more resources, a comprehensive list of links is provided. |
Estate planning and more is covered on this site. By reading through the pages, the viewer should have a strong background in estate planning techniques. |
Some work could be done on the presentation of this site. It is almost completely in black and white with no graphics other than the flow charts and stick figures. Though, if you want no frills and good information, this is the site for you. |
Generally the site is easy to navigate, although improvements could be made. Once in an area of the site there are no visual cues to tell the user where in the layout of the site the page being viewed is placed. If different colors were used to indicate the page being viewed on the link list it would help the organization of the site. This site is best viewed in chronological order and is not set up well for one who wants to jump to a specific topic. |