Well I thought it would be nice to put together a page about my new sailboat. I bought this boat in the summer of 1997 and have been having a great time fixing it up and sailing ever since. The boat is almost 13 feet long and can seat one to two people. The mast is about 24 feet high made out of Alaskan spruce. So far I have not found a name for it yet, but I am taking suggestions. E-mail me all your suggestions. I have recently added a page on how my OK Dingy is rigged. There are lots of photos of my sail and rigging configuration.
I had many adventures during my first summer sailing. One of the most interesting and possibly most tramatic was sailing in the San Francisco Bay under the Golden Gate Bridge. Read all about it in the summary of the trip. The photo to the left is of friend Paul before our treacherous SF Bay trip. A close second was when a lot of things went wrong while sailing in Bodega Bay. Many relaxing and calmer days of sailing
were spent on Lake Don Pedro, Lake New Melonies, Lake McClure, Spring Lake, and Lake Sonoma. This year I am looking forward to sailing around Lake Tahoe.
As I have "sailed" around the web, I have run across many interesting and usefull sites to sailors. One of my favorites is Call of the Wind Real-time Wind Info. Check for very current wind reports. Also marine buoys is a good source of current info. For a complete listing of all my sailing sites check my bookmarks under sailing.
Last year I went on a great Memorial Day camping trip to Lake New Melonies. This picture of me on the wave runner is a nice reminder of that great trip.
This year I will once again be attending, and possibly bringing my sailboat. Look for me out there. I also had a blast skiing behind lots of new ski boats, eating some great food, and meeting lots of terrific new people!