DickyGee's Music



Hi, and thanks for checking out the DickyGee music page. I designed the logo you see above, but it doesn't look like me at all (except for the hair). I've performed and played in several bands and have written tunes sporadically for some time, but have not taken it as seriously as I do now, or, I should say, since the turn of the millenium when I started writing a lot more songs.

I'm working on a CD now and will build a music web site soon. Until then, you can go to the below site and download and listen to the mp3 files below: it's just me and the guitar blasting away in "performance mode" -- I hope you like it!

All songs are copywritten 2007 by Richard Gabrio:

Go to http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=


TKDocument.1.xml&sitefn=RootSite.xml&aff=consumer&cty=US&lang=en and hit the "Dicky Gee" link.