Miscellaneous Wills, Trusts, Estates and Probate Publications
- An
Adoptive Child's Right to Inherit By Kathi Mann Sandweiss.
Discussing Arizona law.
- The Atlas of Offshore Articles on offshore investing and asset protection.
- Avoiding Probate (CPA Journal Online) There are three common
estate-planning tools that can be used to avoid probate in the distribution of testators' property at death: joint tenancy with
rights of survivorship, beneficiary designations and revocable trusts.
- California
Estate Planning Forms Annotated links to state-authorized forms from Mark J. Welch.
- Charitable
Giving and Tax-Exempt Organizations Handbook Prepared by McGuire Woods Battle & Boothe, LLP. Includes overview of tax
rules, reporting requirements, methods of giving and tax consequences, when the gift is complete, and special assets and
- Crash Course in Wills & Trusts From an adult-education class, this course covers
a number of issues including tax issues, life & long term care insurance, by Mike Palermo, JD, CFP.
- Estate Planning
Articles From Rosen & Reade, LLP. Topics include saving for college, IRAs, the dynasty trust, life insurance, the
Gallenstein case, wills.
- Estate
Planning Links By Dennis M. Kennedy.
- Estate Planning Memoranda From Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, LLP. Topics include gift giving, living trusts, generation-skipping transfers.
- Foresight Estate & Tax
Planning Newsletter With particular emphasis on New Jersey law. It is published quarterly by De Maio & De Maio.
- The
Future of Estate Planning Practice By Bernard H. Greenberg.
- How the IRS
Agent Works Marching orders from the IRS Manual to IRS agents auditing estates, from Teahan & Constantino.
- How the IRS
Looks at Your Estate Tax Return Where the red flags are: pages from the IRS Manual, from Teahan & Constantino.
- How to
Avoid Rip-Off Estate Planning Seminars By Bernard H. Greenberg.
- Nolo Press Publications
- Nolo's Legal Encyclopedia - Wills and Estate Planning Protect your loved ones, minimize taxes and distribute your property: wills, trusts, living wills, powers of attorney & more.
- Leaving Final Instructions After Death: Last Rights. Letting your survivors know your wishes about final arrangements is a caring act -- and it can help save money, too.
- Leaving Property to Your Children. If your offspring inherit money from you while they're still young, an adult will have to manage it for them. Here's how to make sure that you, not a judge, choose that person.
- Making Gifts to Children Personal concerns are paramount, but don't overlook the tax consequences of large gifts.
- What Happens If You Die Without a Will? The answer may surprise you...
- Who Needs a Living Trust? Trusts can be wonderful, but they aren't for everyone. Here is some helpful advice for deciding if a trust is right for you.
- Offshore Investing Articles on offshore investing and asset protection.
- Philanthropy News Digest The Digest, a weekly news service of the Foundation Center, is a compendium, in digest form, of philanthropy-related articles and features culled from print and electronic media outlets nationwide.
- Recent Estate Planning Articles From Kove & Kosakow, LLC.
- Recent Estate Planning Newsletter Articles Compiled by Mark J. Welch, this site provides links to many estate planning articles.
- Revocable Trusts Revisited They're useful, but do they solve all estate planning problems for New Yorkers? from Teahan & Constantino
- Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Norris & Rieselbach: Trusts and
Estates Information for attorneys and the public.
- There's More Out There Than You Think (ABA) A Guide To The Internet for Estate Planning Attorneys. Joseph G. Hodges Jr., Esq.
- Ten Estate
Planning Techniques to Consider Ten ideas for those with
substantial estates that have a desire to reduce the tax burdens
in passing their wealth, and control over that wealth, from
generation to generation. By W. Birch Douglass, III, McGuire,
Woods, Battle & Boothe, LLP.
- Trusts and Estates Bulletin From Hale & Dorr.
- Trusts & Trustees Publication on the use and formation of international trusts. Includes articles, case notes, opinions and trends.
- TrustsWorld News Page Articles on Trusts & Estates. Topics include Crash Course in Wills and Trusts, Basic Estate Planning and Choosing the Right Estate Plan.