Arturo Devlin

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     Conzec, 57, light haired and slender, with a nose for money and power. A brilliant lawyer and mover among the highest circles in The Quadrant, he possesses unparalleled breadth and scope of intellect and "knows more" about what's going on in the Q than anyone.

     The only child of wealthy Privates Razon and Klara Devlin, Arturo was raised on Conzec Board on his father's large estate. Showing an early interest in the "law," he won a first at The Inztitut after only 2 years of study and quickly set up his own private practice. He lost no time recognizing who was on the winning side after the Great Purges, and rapidly built a base of "safe" (wealthy) clients by championing their interests in suits against unlucky property owners who had been thrown into exile.

     A definite "lady's man," Arturo is one of the many regular lovers and confidantes of both Lena Molloy and her mother Meerna. Known as a master Machiavellian plotter and "player of the game" of power and influence in the Q, he is not above having rivals banished or eliminated (though he finds these tactics obtuse and prefers more sophisticated, intellectually challenging, ways to advance his own interest or check those who encroach upon it).

     His connections are multifarious, and include members of The Nine, the upper Q Establishment (including top operatives in the dreaded "KorpOps"), key players in the Inztitut, some of Kronstadt's inner circle, several important Privates, other well placed managers, agents, and informers spread around the Boardz of the Q, and even certain agents of the Underground.

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