The Brag Shelf Where you should be able to find information about works by Diana L Paxson, Paul Edwin Zimmer, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Jon DeCles, Mason Powell, Ramfis S. Firethorn, and other people associated with The Rhinoceros Lodge. Read On! Our primary focus is Fantasy and Science Fiction, but you should not be surprised to find included works which do not fit those genres. Family members have to make a living, and some of us will write anything we are paid to write; and maybe even enjoy the little side trip. This project may go slowly, because the Head Rhino is still learning how to do all this stuff; but it will proceed apace, and be accomplished with the crustimony proceedcake. There is also the fact that it takes much longer to write a book than it does to read one, and the additional fact that once written, the book must go through all kinds of rigamarole such as being sold, being set in some sort of type, having the mistakes made by the publisher corrected on the galleys by the author (sometimes more than once, with the worst record for us coming in at four times!) and finally marketed, so that you, the reader, can actually obtain a copy for reading.
***** News!
This is a new (third!) edition of "The Brig." Click on the link below to be taken to the publisher, where you can buy a copy of "The Brig" in either hard copy or electronic form for way less than the $160 they've been asking online for used copies Posted 17 November 2012 *****
The Way of the Oracle: Recovering the Practices of the Past to Find Answers for Today
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword of Avalon Posted Here 29 May 2010 *****
At Last, the Long-Awaited Sequel to "The Particolored Unicorn" is in print and available, right here, right now, online! Click the link below to be taken immediaitely to the site where you can read the opening of the book, and, if you are excited enough, purchase it right away. "Jon DeCles is in command of all the elements in this one. On the trek to gain an army and win back his homeland, his exiled pretender weaves the fabric of the prince he will need to be. It is the timeless, epic journey in the hands of an inventive craftsman." --G. David Nordley, author of “After the Vikings,” “Into the Miranda Rift,” and Posted Here 29 May 2010 *****
Trance-portation: Learning to Navigate the Inner World
As your Head Rhino Continues to learn Dreamweaver, Diana L. Paxson contributes the above non-fiction work, "Trance-Portation: Learning to Navigate the Inner World." Diana is an internationally respected lecturer on trance work and spirituality, and on the alteration of consciousness, a process that had been of major importance since the beginning of Humankind. Posted Here 29 May 2010 ***** As fast as some of us can read, Diana L. Paxson has written yet another book: this time an addition to the the wonderful canon of Avalon novels begun by Marion Zimmer Bradley with The Mists of Avalon. --Only this ain't yo' momma's Avalon book, as the cover makes clear. Set just before The Forest House, Ravens of Avalon is the story of Budica (sometimes called Boadicea), an actual, historical,Warrior Queen, and her rebellion against the Romans; and the Last Stand of the Druids against Roman tyranny. Click on the title underlined below the picture to order it.
Posted Here 29 May 2010 Here's the Hardback Here's the Paperback Edition Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ravens of Avalon
The Particolored Unicorn is Back in Print!
Posted here on 29 May 2010
A New Book by Diana L. Paxson, non-fiction, this time a basic introduction to Asatru, the religion of the Norse peoples of Northern Europe. Like Isaac Asimov, Diana L. Paxson writes clearly and well about whatever topic she chooses to address. Recognized as a authority on Viking Age religion, she here provides a straightforward look at the modern practice of this faith for those who want to know something about it, or who may be curious as to what exactly it is that Uncle Sven is doing on Wednesday nights. Click on the link below to see more about this volume.
Here it is, the first new Westria Novel since 1993! Click on the link below to get to it on Amazon.
Also: A new book by Diana L. Paxson! This time it is not a novel, an anthology, or a collection; it is a book on using the fairly ancient Runes in various ways, including Spells, Rituals, Divination and Magick. Diana has been lecturing on this topic around the world for some years now, so it is about time a book appeared; and here it is. It is likely, of course, to be more readable than any of the other books on the topic, and will certainly be more useful than most and more accurate than many. The small, ugly link below is what Amazon is providing us these days. Sigh.
Posted Here on 23 June 2005
In case you can't read the Tiny Type in the Ugly Box above: this is the newest edition of Marion Zimmer Bradley's highly successful Swords and Sorceress' Anthologies, now being edited by her literary heir, Diana L. Paxson.
The Tiny Type in the Ugly Box above tells you that Lynn Abbey has revived the Thieves' World Anthologies. These stories are set about twenty years after the last of the previous stories. Diana L. Paxson has new characcters, the children of Lalo and Gilla, and if you enjoyed the previous collections there is a good chance you will enjoy these.
And here is the second of the new Thieves World Anthologies, complete with a story by Diana L. Paxson and her Son, Ian Michael Grey, who now continuues the Greyhaven Literary Dynasty.
The Above Four Items were posted here 13 February 2005
***** Diana L. Paxson continues Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon epic by connecting Marion's Fall of Atlantis to the beginnings of Avalon. Click on the picture above to get to the novel on Amazon. Posted 5 July 2004 ***** A new collection of Mason Powell's early literary short stories is now in print and available. "Telling Lies About the Wolves" offers 14 of the author's highly varied entertainments, and includes an introduction by the late Sammy Stuart, better known as Phil Andros. This is the first of Mason's books to be offered in hardback as well as paperback. It has an excellent cover by kenn brown (the gif below is of very poor quality: we'll try and get better), and, like his most recent novel, is printed on archival paper. Check it out! By clicking here: Telling Lies About the Wolves
***** Diana L. Paxson has been working with family friend Z Budapest for several years now, and together they have produced "Celestial Wisdom for Every Year of Your Life," a unique astrological approach to the realities of growing through life. This book doesn't start with our birth sign, or any of the usual approaches: it simply discusses each and every year that a human being may live through. The book is promoted and addressed primarily to women, but Z. has gone to great pains to be sure that it is inclusive of and intelligible to, men: something the promotion does not make plain. Z's credentials as a major Feminist writer, and Diana's credentials as a major Novelist, make this book a good read, regardless of your views toward astrology. But more than a book about passing years, it is a book about spirituality, and every page has something to say: clearly and positively. Celestial Wisdom for Every Year of Your... ***** The first new novel to appear from the pen of Mason Powell in moire than ten years, this Romantic Gay Crime Novel is set in San Francisco the year before the Loma Prieta earthquake. The protagonist is an actor rehearsing for "Hamlet" and the villian is... Well, you can read about that by clicking on the link below. Those readers familiar only with Mason Powell's powerful erotica will no doubt be surprised by the charm, wit, and graceful portrayal of a wide range of amusing (and sometimes terrifying) characters and situations.
To read an exerpt from the book (Chapter One) and, hopefully, to order it, click here: For the Love of a Green-Eyed Piano Player.
***** Unimaginably Desireable is Priestess of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana L. Paxson. Marion and Paul both tended to work backwards through time, and this, Marion's last entry in the enormously popular series that began with The Mists of Avalon, is also the earliest, timewise, in the saga. It is about Helena, the mother of Constantine, whom British tradition tells us was an initiate at Avalon. Marion passed across the water before the book was barely begun; but, as Diana had done major work on the previous three Avalon books, it was natural enough for her to finish it, and continue where Marion left off. You can get it by clicking here Priestess of Avalon for the hardback, or here for an Abridged Audio Version
![]() ***** The new reprint of Ramfis S. Firethorn's non-fiction book Blindfold on a Tightrope: Men's Myths and Men's Mysteries. It went through three printings in 1993 but the publisher disappeared and it has been hard to find in used book stores.since. Through the Books on Demand technology of Xlibris it is now once again available. You can check out the details or even order it simply by clicking on this link: Blindfold on a Tightrope, by Ramfis S. Firethorn.
Our very first Special Link was the addition of a page devoted to the Sparkling Ms. Diana L. Paxson. We even have a picture. Just click on her underlined name to get there. You will find a complete bibliography of her works, current as of December 10th, 1999, except for maybe a few articles about which she forgot to tell me. To the Diana L. Paxson Page we are also adding a Marion Zimmer Bradley Page, as none of us would be writing the things we do today if it were not for Marion. If you are an MZB fan already, you may find the picture of her new, and you may find some new stories. If you are not yet, then this might be a good place to start. It is being uploaded before completion, and though we had intended it primarily as a bibleography, it seems to be turning into a kind of personal literary memoir: so come back later as there is a great deal to be covered. Just click on Marion Zimmer Bradley. The most recent work on the MZB Page was done on January 27th, 2000. Sadly, a cyber accident sems to have destroyed a lot of the work . Should you have downloaded the page, we would greatly appreciate a communication. The idea of reconstructing all the work, before going on to finish, is very daunting. We are preparing a page for Paul Edwin Zimmer as well, but it is still far from ready; however, of 23 November 2001, w have added to it a reprint of Bruce Byfiled's article on the Dark Border, which fans may find of interest. If you'd like to burn a cigarette in offering to his memory, we are sure he will appreciate it in Valhalla. And, as soon as she sends us her picture, a page for Adrienne Martine-Barnes, a wonderful and greatly under appreicated writer unlike any other.
--But if you haven't stopped in here before, please do read on!
Here are some works written by people who either live at the Lodge or who are connected with the Lodge. We'll update as things come into print or to our attention. If you wish to buy any of the books listed here (and we sure hope you will!). simply click on the underlined link and you will be magically transported to , where the purcahse can be painlessly made. Also please visit "Our Own Little Book Store." The setup is pretty much the same, but the books there are not all by Lodge family members. You'll also find book reviews of the things we have been reading. And, finally, if you are interested in Ancient Greece, or Ancient Greek Religion, check out Thiasos Olympikos , where you will find, amongst many other curious items, some reviews of more specialized reading. If you haven't got time to go through everything, please do go to the bottom of the page and sign our Guestbook.
A new Arthurian tetralogy By Diana L. Paxson: The Hallowed Isle Book One: The Book of the Sword Order The Book of the Sword Today! Book Two: The Book of the Spear Order The Book of the Spear Today! Book Three: The Book of the Cauldron Order The Book of the Cauldron Today! Book Four: The Book of the Stone
"A Trick Of The Light," a short story by Mason Powell. Currently found in the collection called "Noirotica II: Pulp Friction" Order "Noirotica II: Pulp Friction" Today!
"Mantik Rite," a short story by Jon DeCles in the collection called "Olympus"
And If You Haven't Read Jon DeCles' Comic Science Fantasy Novel "The Particolored Unicorn," Order "The Particolored Unicorn" Today!
"Hekate's Hounds," a short story by Diana L. Paxson in the collection called "Olympus"
"Consumption" a short story by Mason Powell in the collection called "Wired Hard" Order "Wired Hard: Erotica for a Gay Universe" Today!
"At a Party in Pasadena," a short story by Mason Powell in the collection called "Wired Hard II" Order "Wired Hard II: More Erotica for a Gay Universe" Today!
And Now You May Choose To Go to the Rhinoceros Lodge Table of Contents
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This Beautiful Bordered Background, with sidebar and spacescape, is by Zena. You can find more of her stunning work by clicking in the link below.
Your Host Rhino on this page is Jon DeCles, who has been a proud, if not overly productive, member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America since damon knight put the organiztion together way back in 1965.
Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!
The music to which you may now be listening is by mine old professor, Karlheinz Stockhausen. It is "Saggitarious," from his "Twelve Melodies of the Star Signs (for music box)," as sequenced by Jorge Frangamillo We placle this music here to introduce the music of Stockhausen to those who have not heard it, and to encourange those who find it pleasing to explore it further by purchasing recordings. Given a little time, we hope to include a Stockhausen discography and links for purchase of his music.
Such as this one, which includes all the pieces for the Zodiac::
Or this, which is a beautiful trance-out piece of vocal music:
Or this, one of my current favorites, a late piece: a Quartette for 4 striing players and four helicoptors: