General Estate Planning Resources
- 1st American Legal Corporation Articles on asset protection, corporations and partnerships, estate planning, offshore financial information and locations, tax planning, trusts and foundations, advanced planning techniques, and scams, traps and shady groups.
- ABA's Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section news, publications, membership information.
- ABA LPMs Estate Planning and Probate Interest Group Shares information on practice management, technology, and lawyering skills that would be of particular interest to lawyers who plan and administer estates and trusts.
- American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys A membership organization of estate planning attorneys from across the nation.
- American College of Trust and Estate Counsel A professional association consisting of lawyers from throughout the United States. Fellows of the College are nominated by other Fellows in their geographic area and are elected by the membership at large.
- California Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law By Mark J. Welch; includes California Estate Planning booklet, estate planning forms, news articles, and links to other estate planning sites.
- Charitable Gift Planning Case studies, articles, continuing education, professional resources for estate and gift planning.
- Choices in Dying Legal information on dying, including a news and downloadable state-specific advance directive forms.
- Robert Clofine's Estate Planning Page Articles on wills, estate planning, death taxes and elder law issues from an estate planning lawyer in Pennsylvania.
- Coalition on Donation Includes information on organ and tissue donation.
- Crash Course in Wills and Trusts
- Estate Plan, The - maker of the Living Trust book and video.
- Estate Planning Articles From King, Peterson and Dymond LLP.
- Estate Planning for California Residents, 3rd Ed. Booklet describing estate planning issues in California by Mark J. Welch
- Estate Planning Services - powerful strategies that can save money and legal heartaches. Simple to implement, cost-effective, time tested, and guaranteed.
- Estate Planning Web Sites A comprehensive index of estate planning sites by Mark J. Welch. This site is especially useful to those looking for estate planning laws in a particular state.
- Estate Planning Tips and Tactics By Gregory A. Ebenfeld. Articles on how lawyers can save their clients money.
- Estate Preservation Alliance - third part educational materials on estate planning and related topics in existence.
- FAQ on Wills From Teahan & Constantino.
- FAQ on Trusts From Teahan & Constantino.
- FAQ on Estate Planning By Bierman Law Offices.
- FAQ on Estate Planning By Virginia L. Weber; site also contains power of attorney forms.
- The Foundation Center Collects, organizes, analyzes, and disseminates information on foundations, corporate giving, and related subjects.
- Heritage Living Trust Institute Information about living trusts.
- Information on Estate Planning From David W. Moltzen; topics include Federal Estate and Gift Tax, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, What a Basic Estate Plan Should Consist of, Family Limited Partnerships, and FAQs.
- Information on Estate Planning From Fleming & Curti, P.L.C. Topics include Guardianship and Conservatorship, Long Term Medical Planning, Estate Planning.
- An Inside Guide to the Living Trust Information on living trusts, probate, joint tenancy and more. From RDG Living Trust.
- Law Made Easy Press - an online resource for access to information on estate planning and tax, legal forms, living trust, probate, real estate, wills, and more.
- Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School
- Living Wills Registry - supplying a living wills package, including forms for Canadians.
- Knowledge Service Financial services resource center. Includes newsletters, free estate planning software, sample business insurance agreements, and more.
- Massachusetts Estate Planning Forum By Feigenbaum & Uddo. Includes FAQs and the opportunity to E-mail specific questions for their consideration.
- National Association of Financial and Estate Planning - contains information on estate planning, protection of assets from lawsuits and judgments, home mortgages, wealth planning, and tax savings tips.
- National Charities Information Bureau Includes reference guide, tips for givers.
- National Committee on Planned Giving The professional association for people whose work includes developing, marketing, and administering charitable planned gifts.
- National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys Includes information on estate planning, links to related resources, news and information on the organization.
- Pennsylvania Estate Library By Daniel B. Evans. Includes articles and resources for consumers and legal professionals on Pennsylvania estate planning.
- Sample Family Estate Plan and Instruments An annotated will, revocable trust, and codicil for your reference, from Teahan &Constantino.
- SaveWealth.com News on estate planning, retirement planning, investing and reducing taxes. Produced by The Preservation Group.
- Society of Will Writers Estate planning from the United Kingdom.
- Tax and Estate Planning Resources on the World Wide Web From Teahan & Constantino.
- The Texas Probate Web Site Texas-based resources in estate planning, probate and trust law and fiduciary litigation maintained by Glenn M. Karisch. Includes articles, forms, case summaries, related links.
- Trusts & Trustees Features full text and abstracts of articles from the journal of the same name on international trusts and their uses.
- Viatical Settlements Consumer advocacy information for people selling their life insurance and for investors wishing to buy these Viatical Settlement contracts. Includes federal and state legal, tax, and estate planning information.
- A Virtual Law Office Information relevant to the senior client including planning for long term care, Medicaid, wills, trusts and powers of attorney.
- Wills & Estate Planning by Nolo.com - protect your loved ones, minimize taxes and distribute your property: wills, trusts, living wills, powers of attorney, and more.
Charitable Planning
- National Center For Nonprofit Boards
- Council on Foundations
- National Society of Fund Raising Executives
- Charitable Trust Planning
- State Regulations for Charitable Gift Annuities Planned Giving Resources
- "Doing Right by Doing Good: Giving IRAs to Charity"
- Churches and Planned Giving - Washington Legal Internet News, Inc.
- Taxwise Giving Charitable newsletter written by esteemed estate planner
- American Philanthropy Review
- Chronicle of Philanthropy good charitable planning site, with links to almost anything on charitable planning
- NonProfit Times charitable "newspaper"
- Searchable List of Exempt Organizations – IRS (Publication 78) or Master List of Exempt Organizations - IRS (listed by state)
- Internet Nonproft Center Information For and About Nonprofit Organizations
- Idealist Home - Tools for Nonprofits
- Nonprofit Software Index Software and services for planned giving calculations
- PG Calc, Inc. Software and services for planned giving calculations
- Main Street - CharityVillage; Canadian charitable site with "News," "Jobs," "Online Resources," "Online Discussions," "Online Tools," "How-to Articles," "Book Reviews," and more
- PlanGiv Canadian gifting rules and information
- Gift Planning Resources Center another Canadian charitable site with links and library
International Tax and Estate Planning (and Asset Protection)
Retirement and Financial Planning