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IMPORTANT QUADRANT LOCATIONS: The following terms outline and describe the important locations of The Quadrant. Choose any link to take you to a description, or simply scroll down the page.

LINKS: Krania, Krania Tower, The Quarter, The Lake, The Kolony, Conzec Board,
Recon 1, Recon 2, Recon 3, Recon 4, Recon 5, Downshaft.

Krania (or the "City"): The first "Board," or chief seat of political power and nerve center or"brain" of The Quadrant. This 100 square kilometer circle at the center of The Quadrant supports a population of 200,000 and is divided into four areas -- Krania Tower, The Inztitut, The Quarter and Praetor Park (see below). Krania is the locus of all Quadrant infrastructure administration, boasts The Quadrant's only university (the "Inztitut"), and provides for the organization of all communications and security services necessary to support and run the entire Quadrant. To TOP of Page

Krania Tower (also see the "Mezzanine," and "KorpOps," below): The name of the huge monolithic 200 story building towering above all else and rising from the exact center of The Quadrant on its first "Board" where the top managers of The Quadrant, including The Director and Praetors (see below) work. All organized transmissions, including Auto-Upgrades, Quadrant wide surveillance monitoring, Quad Information and Virtual Entertainment transmissions, and all official announcements, originate from the master -- and only -- network communications broadcasting system (called "SysProg") located here.

The Director's offices comprise the top five floors of the Tower, containing various Assistant Directors' (and their deputies) offices, high level meeting and conference rooms and lounges, and the Director's penthouse (a full wing of the top floor). L'Quignon elite restaurant and hotel take up the next ten floors down, followed by the Praetor's offices, who with their assistants and deputies, take up 35 floors of offices below the hotel.

Krania Tower essentially houses the Quadrocracy, including the dreaded "KorpOps" (Krania Secret Police), a special division of the Quadrant wide security bureaucracy. As defenders of the Korpus (the 'law" of The Quadrant), this elite unit specializes in anti-terrorist investigations of the Underground, operating out of its own investigation and interrogation center called the "Mezzanine" (150th to 145th floors of the "east wing" of the tower). Interestingly, KorpOps has its own Information Bureau charged with making propoganda vidz and organizing guided tours of "certain" parts of the Mezzanine, to show the population of The Quadrant what an efficient job their security division does in the fight against terrorism perpetrated by the Underground (see below). To TOP of Page

The Quarter: A living area near the Inztitut on Krania, populated by students and professors from the Inztitut, various free-thinkers, ex-students, and a number of "hangers-on," and fringe types. Known throughout the Quadrant as one of the unusual and exciting places to visit, The Quarter offers a variety of attractions, including several entertainment mini-domes, first rate holo-showz, chem bars, plezhurr domes, and other unique diversions. These and other "amenities" appeal to a variety of tastes and persuasions, drawing even the wealthy and powerful into the Quarter's eccentric orbit.

It is also known as a place where dangerous persons, including hunted criminals, "offpattern reconnect" artists, and terrorists and agents of the Underground, live and congregate with the local population. The mix is often inflamatory, leading to scandals, high profile arrests, and other dramatic events. To TOP of Page

The Lake: The large body of fresh water surrounding Krania and located between Krania and Conzec Board. Approximately 3 Kilometers across and 80 meters deep, The Lake serves as The Quadrant's main water reservoir, and is "treated and aireated" on a regular basis. No swimming is allowed (except for special areas "cordoned off" near Praetor Park's lakeside homes and The Kolony shores area). To TOP of Page

The Kolony: An elite living area and pleasure destination on the innermost circle of Conzec Board (see below). Looking out over The Lake, with breathtaking views of Krania and Krania Tower in the distance, The Kolony boasts the biggest and most luxurious homes and mansions in The Quadrant. The Kolony village features a Mall filled with expensive clothing and other specialty products, and the services and food are renowned as the finest anywhere. Primarily populated by the wealthy and powerful of the Quadrant Establishment, The Kolony provides various special clubs and entertainments, and is famous for its sumptuous (and often risque) private parties and gatherings. To TOP of Page

Conzec Board: The Elite Board. With its inner edge following the circular "Lake" surrounding Krania, Conzec Board offers the most stunning and majestic views of the city and Krania Tower in The Quadrant. Populated by only 50,000 Conzecs (and a few wealthy Privates of indeterminate status), Conzec Board is the "forested playground" of the elite and the most sparsely populated of all Boardz.
The wealthy Privates of the Conzec population live in 2 lakefront enclaves situated on opposing sides of The Lake, or on forested estates in the interior of the Board. The Kolony, by far the largest and most exclusive, is home to The Quadrant establishment. The Reezort, about half the size, and somewhat more rustic, serves those elites whose reputations (or origins) are either dubious, unacceptable to the Quadrant establishment, or simply nefarious. The rest of the population live in comfortable domplexes on the outer edge of Conzec Board looking out over the greenbelt toward Recon 1 in the distance.

Hunting for wild Q-Hog (warthog) or pheasant in the lush private "game forests" of Conzec Board, is one of the favorite pastimes of the elite (and the only source of animal meat in the Quadrant). To TOP of Page

Recon 1: First of the Inner Boardz, adjacent -- across a wide greenbelt -- to Conzec Board. Home to about 600,000 people, Recon 1 provides the living area for much of the mid and lower level Quadrant Operations Management personnel, including many Enforcement managers and their families, and many lower level bureaucrats in The Quadrant establishment. The Quad Services Units on Recon 1 are strained, but clean and well run, with well stocked Consumer Complexes and even a notable entertainment dome or two. The Educenter in QSU 6, noted for its exceptional quality, has produced several Inztitut graduates. To TOP of Page

Recon 2: Second of the Inner Boardz and populated by approximately 700,000 enfranchised inhabitants, Recon 2 houses the rank and file Enforcers of The Quadrant, other low level functionaries, all of those who have made just two mistakes, and various other Outer Board "interlopers" who desperately try to hang on to the outer fringes of civility. To TOP of Page

Recon 3: First of the Outer Boardz, with a population of about 800,000. Living conditions are somewhat crowded, and there are few amenities. Often, basic services are interrupted by poor maintenance and lack of timely funding from QuadOps (the central Quadrant Operations bureaucracy). Populated primarily by "Functionals" (see below) who work long hours servicing the speedtube system and climate control equipment of The Quadrant, Recon 3 is significantly rougher and more violent than the Inner Boardz, as the proliferation of small inexpensive chem bars and Plezhurr Domes testifies. To TOP of Page

Recon 4: Second of the Outer Boardz, Recon 4 has little to recommend it save Knockthorn Field, home of the Stranglerz flezz team, and the largest and most popular flezz stadium in The Quadrant. 1.1 million people (mostly low-level functionals, poor retirees, unemployed inhabitants and small-time criminals) live in crowded conditions, attempting to eke out some kind of life, despite growing gang warz and the bad air. To TOP of Page

Recon 5: Last of the Outer Boardz situated at the outer edges of The Quadrant enviro-dome, and the most crowded of all living areas in The Quadrant. Approximately 1.3 million Recon 5's (the "scum" of The Quadrant -- scammers, street vendorz, criminals) live on this squalorous Board, many in constant daily fear of disconnection. The Quad Services Units on Recon 5 are understaffed, poorly organized, and only minimally maintained, with food sometimes in short supply. Regular waste disposal back-ups foul the air, and the climate control equipment often breaks down, subjecting those who live (in the "Grey Giants") on the outer reaches of The Quadrant at the edge of the dome to darkened, almost freezing conditions.

Ugly, shapeless rectangles ("stops"), each housing hundreds of "zeros,"-- people who have no quadits in their autoaccounts -- poke up out of the hazy, dirty air everywhere, seeming to scar the landscape in every direction as far as the eye can see. The narrow streets are filled with filth, clogging the pedways, so that few on this Board operate. Gangs (the Stunz and the Blaadz) continually prowl the streets, clashing regularly at night in violent outbursts. Life on Recon 5 is dangerous, and the people are generally irritable, aggressive, and short tempered. To TOP of Page

Downshaft ("off the Boardz): Downshaft is located 5 kilometers below the Boardz. It is reached by means of huge elevators (hydrolifts) enclosed in an enormous single shaft which ties into a security area one floor below the subway hub, called "Krania Station" directly under Krania Tower. It is the only designated area in, and under control of The Quadrant, where Nowtime, as it is experienced on the Boardz, does not exist for most of the "disenfranchised inhabitants" (Disconz and Anteeks). The exceptions are Enforcerz and Quadops Power Systems Managers, who remain connected to The System while they serve in Downshaft and are rotated back up to the Boardz on a regular basis. All Disconz and Anteeks have their screens removed and interfaces re-fitted so that only the most minimal neurotransmitter stimulus is allowed (enough to control them through threats and/or rewards).

The area of Downshaft is approximately half the size of the living area on the Boardz, with only about 5% of The Quadrant's total population (approximately 250,000 people). The physical environment is poorly lit, humid, and characterized by a sprawling conglomeration of run-down living units and jerry-rigged service centers, interspersed with gigantic power-generation machinery and mini-domed envirofarms (for raising The Quadrant's food).

Guarded by a special Enforcement Unit charged with keeping order and overseeing the delivery of basic services, Disconz work long hours every day with little time to themselves. The only sanctioned entertainments (besides the "dregbars," where an alcohol drink called Dreg can be imbibed to oblivion, and plezhurr domes where cheap sex is availble) are the "DethRing" contests held once per week. A 20 meter (in diameter) ring is drawn in the dirt and 2 men enter, each armed with a Brodstik -- a long pole with an electrical charge at one end. They fight to the death, and one man leaves a temporary hero, at least until the following week where he must fight a new challenger.

No Discon may either take children to, or propogate children in, Downshaft, by penalty of termination. Children left behind (on the Boardz) by Discon parents can occasionally visit their parents but only after getting the proper authorizations from Quad Security, and only if they are accompanied by an Enforcer. Though the ratio of men to women in Downshaft is about 5 to 1, and the sexes are generally separated by the kinds of work performed, illegal births sometimes occur. Even some illegal and/or "feral" children do exist -- unconnected to The System -- in Downshaft. Seen sometimes in roving bands, they quickly vanish when detected, scurrying like wild animals into the shadows of the "Bogz" (old long disused hydroponik farm areas) to avoid capture. It is an open question whether these beings have been "illegally propogated" by Disconz and Anteeks in Downshaft, or whether some small indiginous group of people existing wholly outside The System (in the Bogz or in the wastes beyond the Pitz) is responsible for them.

Downshaft is tolerated by the rest of The Quadrant because it is where the power generators are located and maintained, where food is grown, and where waste is recycled (in the pitz -- vast strip-mining like areas where Disconz run the machinery to process the waste of the Quadrant). Also, it is the only place where new screen upgrades and spare parts are manufactured. These (and farm goods) are regularly shipped "upshaft" and the quadits earned go into a fund to pay for basic services needed by those who cannot, or who are too infirm, to work. Disconz, of course, provide the perfect labor force for the repetitive menial work required for manufacturing, farming, and waste removal processes, and their use saves large sums that otherwise would have to be dirverted to automation equipment. To TOP of Page

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