“I like knowing the amounts so I can decide what to do.”


Try out coaching for an hour with a free session to learn more about how it could work for you. See the Try It page for more info.


The rates shown in the table below are designed to be flexible according to your needs. Time lengths for each session are for the full amount, an hour session is for 60 minutes, a half hour is for 30 minutes, etc.



One Session

4 Session Package

Half Hour



45 Minutes



One Hour



90 Minutes



Two Hour




Most of my experience as a client in coaching was based on 30 minute weekly sessions. This was perfect for me at the time. I progressed slowly, in small increments, as I gained new insights and tools each week.

Generally, I feel that steady and digestible pieces of growth are the easiest to assimilate and the most likely to have lasting effects. By taking things at a comfortable pace the mind and emotions have time to reorient themselves as new possibilities begin to emerge.

The best amount of session time for you, and how often, may vary at different times. Short, regular sessions can provide stability in your weekly process. Long, deeper sessions can provide more contact with core issues and overall lifetime direction.

A 4 Session Package can be used anytime within a year. If you have a leftover session after the year has elapsed your payment will be applied to the new rate, if there is one.

Rates may change over time. Your starting rate will be in effect for at least one year before any changes may occur. If a rate change does occur, you will have at least two months lead time to consider it, and it may be negotiable depending on your situation. In addition, any increase will be less than seven percent in any given coaching year, meaning that if you receive an increase, that increase will be stable for at least another year from when it began.


Appointments and Cancellations

Appointments are designed to provide you with a reliable source of coaching. I will be ready and available for your session as scheduled. If you need to cancel or change an appointment please send me an email or phone before 10 pm on the evening before your appointment so we can reschedule and you can have your session at a better time. Payments for missed appointments, or those canceled on the same day, will be due as if the appointment had occurred.