“Someone needs exactly what you have to offer.”


How much do you enjoy your workday? Do you feel energized and content when you are at work or going about the way or ways you make a living? Would you like to change anything in this area?

As information and interconnections have accelerated during the past 20 years our careers and job descriptions have become more temporary and flexible than ever before. Some people identify a definite career path at an early age and then prepare for that path and follow it throughout their adult lifetimes, while others try a range of different interests before they catch their “wave.”

What are the best things to do while we work at making a living? If you are secure financially, what life purposes and directions are best suited for you now?

During coaching we can explore what your deepest interests are and review what has worked well for you in the past. We can look at ways to move toward the experiences you want in your work and professional areas if you are searching for more fulfillment. You may also have special interests outside your current work environment that can be developed in ways that bring you more satisfaction and financial reward.

We can explore your fundamental values and how they match up with your daily lifestyle. Most people feel more content when their most important values are aligned with their daily actions and tasks.

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Click Me to hear about how your values can influence your career decisions.