For someone thinking about using offshore banking to enhance their estate plan or to save taxes immediately, this is the perfect site. Right off, the site begins with comprehensive listings for over countries. These listing give the status of the country as a tax haven, financial institutions contact information, and other pertinnent facts to assist one in deciding whether to invest in that partiocular country. For example, the Switzerland page, recommends against using Switzerland as a tax haven because "Switzerland’s ties to the U.S. Government threaten to jeopardize the confidentiality that was once available." This sage advice is typical of what a reader will find on these pages. A convenient feature is that each country page has links at the bottom, "for further reading." These links take the reader to sites which specialize in that country. The remainder of the site is mostly dedicated to providing large lists of different categories of links. These include offshore expatriatism, privacy, banking and secondary residence. One other useful page is a comprehensive glossary with good definitions. Here you will find out what things such as Besloten Vennootschap and INTERFIPOL are. Overall, this site makes a good starting point for one entering the murass of offshore banking. |
Although offshore banking is not a mainstream technique for estate planning, if done correctly it could provide lucrative benefits and huge tax shelters. This site is primarily designed as an offshore resource and does not have any other links to estate planning topics. |
At first glance this site appears to have a lot of content, but then upon further searching, the content is mainly links to other sites. What content is provided, however, is well done and could be critical in making a decision whether to invest in a foreign country. |
This site has the appearance of non-mainstream site, which makes sense since offshore banking is not a typical activity for most. The information is given in large colored boxes and links are simple. Also advertising is prevalient throughout. |
The user may become a little confused when trying to determine which page is being read in the list of links. This is because the title of the page you are actually reading does not appear on the list of pages. Once this is understood, the site becomes easy to navigate. |