An assortment of articles on a variety of estate planning-type subjects can be found on this page. The articles attempt to explain complex legal and tax issues in terms that the average reader can easily understand, while at the same time remaining technically accurate. One interesting article is about gifting, where the author claims that in many cases it is better to give than receive. This is because income and death tax savings can be quite large. An article on disability planning gives many options to avoid guardianship because guardianship proceedings are unpleasant and should be viewed as a last option. The author suggests using multiple party or joint bank accounts, direct deposit relationships for those with limited income, trusts and power of attorney. Other articles, packed with useful information include Life Insurance and Estate Taxes, Paying for Nursing Care, Will Substitutes, and The Safety Deposit Box. All articles are an easy read and present the subject matter in a concise format. Another good thing about this site is that the author provides a What's New page so that you can see what has been updated. Also, this ensures that the articles stay up to date with the latest changes in the law. |
All of the common estate planning issues are covered on this site. Someone interested in learning more about estate planning (and reducing taxes) will find these articles extremely helpful. |
This site has been growing since it started five years ago. Although there is plenty of information available more will continue to be added. |
This site could use some definite improvement in this area. It appears to have started as a basic web site and has continued to grow without ever much regard to design. There are no graphics, colors are basic, and button links non-existant. This makes for a very boring presentation. |
No button bars are provided, meaning the user has to constantly return to the index page in order to see the list of available articles. Also, the articles are listed in no apparent order, which makes it a little hard to find exactly what you are looking for. |