Kabbie Tour: The Outer Boardz

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"The Outer Boardz, huh. Well, ya got a sense o' adventure, I gotta say that. Most of The Quadrant lives on the Outer Boardz and most o' them are Reconz. Not a lot to see out there but shabby domplexes an' run down Quad Services Units. There's the PharmaKoop on Recon 3 o' course, an' then there's Galadrina's . . . she tells fortunes in a shop out near QSU 14. Some say she's got the power, others say she's a fake. Who knows?

"Recon 5? You sure? Okay, yer the boss . . . It's been pretty rough out there lately with the telelection rallies just startin' up an' the Stunz an' the Blaadz gangs goin' at it most nights. There is a little place called The Gash that's got some peelers, but they ain't much to look at and the dreg'll turn yer insides out. Still some First Timers like that kinda thing . . . hope you can handle yerself in a fight.

"Here we are. Hey, looks like a Kronstadt rally goin' on over there. Better watch yerself. These things get outta hand fast. Look, if you need a quick exit, use yer screen an' call me direct. My number's BT7844. Don't wait too long though, okay?"

Exit SkimmerKab

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